Where is Dezful?
Where is Dezful? If you are looking for a specific and unknown destination for travel and adventure, travel to Dezful. Among the tourists traveling to Iran, few people are familiar with this strange city. When you travel to Dezful , you can see at the same time unbeatable waterfalls, beautiful valleys, rushing streets and plains and fruit gardens and also many historical attractions that remained from the iranian culture and ancient dynasties. If you become interested to know more about this iran tourism city, stay with us. About Dezful Dezful city located in the southwest of Iran and north of Khuzestan province. Dezful has a Mediterranean winter and autumn, and its lush green birch is very pleasant from the end of the winter to the beginning of spring, and this is why this city has become a beautiful place for tourists from all over Iran to visit here in their iran tours . Dezful h...